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Parents for a year. Whoa.

That’s right, we’ve been parents for a year and we have a 10 year old. Magic, you ask? Not quite (but sort of). Foster parents.

boy with flowersIt was actually 3 years in the making as we went through using a private agency, the agency floudering and folding, our case’s transfer to the state, looking into potential kiddo placements… Finally we landed on T. Last fall, it was a ball of…

On vacation

What is a proper vacation/holiday? Are they really important to productivity, happiness and long life?

I don’t think I’m going to answer those questions, but why not at least try? I’ll at least brush by them on my way to something else.

A few pieces of housekeeping before I begin.

  1. I challenged a friend to write a blog post each week and I’m already behind, but here I go. Check out Life In Motion if you want to meet Kyle, my…

Four years of catching up to do

It’s been four years of life since I made my last entry!? Where has the time gone? We have been busy, battling depression, advancement, great times, tough times… It seemed a bit of a milestone and a time to write as I look back on our time in Walla Walla, Washington (we’re in Belgrade, Montana now) as we finally paid off our first credit card bill.

It’s not a small thing, as many of you know. It’s been a long…

Being turned down for a job is never fun.

I thought I had convinced myself that I wouldn’t be disappointed if this job I had applied for turned me down. I’m self-employed and not doing too badly for myself, so it would have been quite the shift in lifestyle, but I would have been making more money.

Unfortunately, I had also convinced myself that I was a shoe-in for the job. So, disappointment hit and I can’t say I’m surprised.


I was a coward once… maybe it never truly goes away?

I was a coward at one point in my life. It was a time that I’m still not proud of and I’m worried I may still have to answer for some of the sins I committed back then.

And we may very well be moving back to the town where I committed them, and it’s got me scared.

Syracuse_1900_salt-workers Working at the salt mill – I certainly entertained the idea…

Fearless what?

Yes, so this title is a bit strange. Why not, it’s memorable, isn’t it? Can you already see the plush toys?

That’s not the point.

I wanted something that matched our digital agency’s ethos without carrying the rest of that corporate, selly sell baggage along. I just want to write here and that’s what I’m going to do.

There may be other Fearless Ducks that join the flock along the way – I certainly hope so. But for now, this’ll be my stories…